for f in $(find ~/.mozilla -iname '*.sqlite' -print); do sqlite3 $f "vacuum;"; done
Solo funciona en Linux teniendo instalado el paquete sqlite3. No se como hacerlo en Windows ya que no tengo uno a mano ahora.
for f in $(find ~/.mozilla -iname '*.sqlite' -print); do sqlite3 $f "vacuum;"; done
import pygame,math,itertools,random
for x in itertools.chain(itertools.islice(itertools.imap(lambda x: x(), [lambda: pygame.init(), lambda: pygame.display.set_mode((320,240))]),2,2), itertools.count()): (,(random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255)),(160,120),x%200+2,1), [pygame.display.get_surface().set_at((random.randint(0,319),random.randint(0,239)), (random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255),random.randint(0,255))) for y in xrange(1000)], pygame.display.flip()) and None
import itertools, math, time
for x in itertools.count(0): print "".join([time.sleep(0.003)][0:0] + [y in [int(math.cos(x*3.14/(50 + 25*math.cos((x/50.0)*3.14/50)))*37 + 37), int(math.sin(x*3.14/(50 + 25*math.sin((x/50.0)*3.14/50)))*37 + 37)] and '#' or ' ' for y in xrange(75)])
import itertools, math, time
for x in itertools.count(0): print "".join([time.sleep(0.005)][0:0] + [int(math.sin(x*3.14/(50))*37 + 37) == y and '#' or ' ' for y in xrange(75)])
import itertools,math,time
for z,w in itertools.imap(lambda x: (x % 12, (x / 12) % 5), itertools.count(0)): print ''.join(map(lambda x: x, ["\n".join([''.join([(math.hypot(x-10,y-10) < z and (math.hypot(x-10,y-10) > z/2 and '#$%&!'[w] or ' @'[(z/2)%2]) or ('.,:;+'[z%5])) for x in xrange(21)]) for y in xrange(21)]), time.sleep(0.05) or '']))
while 1: print str('d' not in globals() and globals().__setitem__('d', [__import__('random').randint(1,8),6,1,1]))[0:0] + "\n".join(['-'*12] + ['|' + ''.join([((x,y) == (d[0], d[1])) and '#' or ' ' for x in xrange(10)]) + '|' for y in xrange(10)] + ['-'*12]) + str((lambda: (d.__setitem__(0, d[0]+d[2]), d.__setitem__(1, d[1]+d[3]), d[0] not in range(1,9) and d.__setitem__(2, d[2] * -1), d[1] not in range(1,9) and d.__setitem__(3, d[3] * -1)))())[0:0] + str(__import__('time').sleep(0.2))[0:0]
print "\n".join(["|" + "".join([int(10*(((x-10)**2)/float(10**2) + ((y-10)**2)/float(10**2))) in [10,11] and '#' or (((y == 10) and (x in range(3,18))) and '66656c696365732070617363756173'.decode('hex')[x-3] or ' ') for x in xrange(21)]) + "|" for y in xrange(21)])
import math;print "\n".join([''.join([int(math.cos(x * 3.14 / 19) * 5 + 2) == (y -2) and (abs(math.sin(x * 3.14 / 19)) < 0.05 and '*' or '#') or ' ' for x in xrange(78)]) for y in xrange(11)])